Every year we have an Open House a couple of weeks after school starts. Here are some pictures of my room before the families arrived for Open House.
All of my students signed a letter to their families welcoming them to the Open House. |
This is the bulletin board outside my room. There was a picture of each student. The writing below the picture tells a bit about each student. Parents returned a form that gave me information about their child's reading habits, and they also returned a form that told me how their child received their name. I also interviewed each child. From these data sources, I was able to write a short bibliography about each child. |
This is Knuffle Bunny, a character in books by the same name, asking parents to sign up to volunteer. |
Here are Elephant and Piggy, also Mo Willems characters, supervising the papers that each student used to give their parents a tour of the classroom. |
Here is a long shot of some of the books we've read. |
In this photo, you can see one of the class books we've made this year about our names. |
Here is Clifford, The Big Red Dog, and the Pigeon, showing off our Everyday Math in school journals. |
We also have a Handwriting curriculum that Curious George showed off. |
Fifteen families came to visit our Open House. I have seventeen students, so 15/17 is a great turn out! Thank you to all of the families who took time to come and visit.
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