I read the issue cover to cover but was particularly interested in several sections. There was a piece that reported the results of the first ever National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT) census. I participated in the census (it felt like 1000 questions!) the week after I became certified and the results are now being published. I am pretty humbled by the company I keep. Here are some of the results:
A second section that I know I am going to enjoy is "What we're reading." This month's recommendation is Professional Capital by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan. I have read some of Michael Fullan's books for a graduate class I had taken on school leadership so I am familiar with his work. Professional Capital makes a case for investing in the the capability of teacher leaders such as NBCTs to advance the entire teaching profession. I received a generous gift certificate to a book store from one of my students for Christmas, and this will be the book I buy!
Leisurely reading the issue was a great way to spend Saturday morning, and I'm looking forward to January's edition in my mailbox!